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Lessons and Exams

Midterm exams  

To check the dates of the upcoming exam sessions, you can use the Exam Schedule service. Through this service, you can view the exams scheduled for a specific date or within a specified period of time.

Forecasted calendars

  • Draft Summer Session Calendar 2024 - 1° level - Leonardo campus (published 22/12/23 updated to 3/05/24)
  • Draft Summer Session Calendar 2024 - 1° level - Leonardo campus IOL (published 22/02/24 updated to 23/02/24)
  •  Draft Summer Session Calendar 2024 - 1° level - Bovisa campus (published 22/12/23 updated to 30/01/24)
  • Draft Make-up Session Calendar 2024 - 1° level - Leonardo campus  (published 22/12/23 updated to 15/02/24)
  • Draft Make-up Session Calendar 2024 - 1° level - Leonardo campus  IOL (published 22/02/24 updated to 22/02/24)
  • v 2024 - 1° level - Bovisa campus  (published 22/12/23 updated to 14/03/24)
  • Draft Summer Session Calendar 2024 - 2° level  - Leonardo and Bovisa campus (published 15/02/24 updated to 15/02/24)
  • Draft Make-up Session Calendar 2024 - 2° level - Leonardo and Bovisa campus (published 15/02/24 updated to 15/02/24)

ATTENZIONE: quando il link alla bozza della relativa sessione non è più disponibile, vi invitiamo a consultare le date degli appelli d'esame nei propri "Servizi Online" o al seguente link Appelli di esame.

ATTENTION: When the link to the draft of the respective session is no longer available, we invite you to check the exam dates in your "Online Services" or at the following link Exam Appeals.

Timetable/ Midterm Exams Committee

The committee is composed of professors from all study programs and personnel from the Presidency.

Coordinator for the Bovisa campus: Prof. Egidio Di Gialleonardo Coordinator for the Leonardo campus: Prof. Cesare Svelto

For any issues regarding the forecasted Exam Schedule (shortly after publication), students can refer to their Course Representatives. They collect issues and interface (in a pre-arranged manner with established timelines) with the Presidency and relevant Academic Secretariats.

Examination methods

Midterm exams are conducted in person. Students on international mobility may request to take the exam remotely only if the exam date overlaps with activities (such as classes, internships, or training) conducted abroad. The course instructor may grant this possibility if it aligns with the exam's requirements; otherwise, the exam must be taken at the Polytechnic. Any overlap must be documented by the student, taking personal responsibility for the claim.