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You could contact the Commission to make suggestions on student opinion survey questionnaires (OPIS questionnaires ), on their administation or on any other initiative that makes all students more aware of the continuous improvement of teaching process. You can write directly to the Programme Board Coordinator if there are, in your opinion, specific problems about theacing of your Study Programme (CdS). For problems that concern only a specific course, it is better to report them to the teacher himself, to the Programme Board Coordinator or to the student representative.


You can interact directly with the Commission by writing an email to one of its members (teachers or students).

Your suggestions/remarks will be submitted to the Entire Commission.

The Joint Board accesses the data obtained through the questionnaires OPIS and analize them on a Programme Borad level, and if necessary on a single course level. The analysis result is one of the elements on which the preparation of the annual report is based.

On the other hand, the Joint Board has no access to the students' open comments, which can be visualized only by the course teacher.

No. All the members (professors and students) have visibility into all available data (OPIS data - aggregates by individual course and professors). All the Component are required to respect confidentiality.


The Joint Board reports are useful for the Degree Programmes to compare themself with the other Degree Programmes of the same School. In addition, the indications and suggestions reported in these reports, are examined by the Degree Courses and taken into account by them. Also on the basis of these comments, the Degree Course prepare targeted improvement actions for the following Academic Years.

More generally, the entire self-assessment process, of which Joint Board is an important element, allows the Degree Programmes to become aware of the strengths and weaknesses of their educational offer and to develop concrete actions for continuous improvement.

The reports are published on this webpage. Internally at the University, they are distributed to the Degree Programmes and the Evaluation Committee and presented by the Joint Board President to the School Council. An excerpt containing the salient points is presented by the School Dean to the Academic Senate and sent to the General Director. Externally, the reports are sent annually to ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research).



Annually, the Commission produces a single report for all the School's Degree Programmes, consisting of an introductory part that analyses the overall situation of the School, followed by a summary sheet for each  Degree Programme analyzed. Among other information, the annual report collects the ideas that emerged from the questionnaires completed by the students and conveys them to the general management and the Academic Senate through the School's Dean.


The main document used are:


  • The Descriptive documents of the Degree Programmes (schede SUA-CdS) and the fact sheets of the individual courses;
  • The documents that describe the monitoring carried out within the Degree Programmes;
  • Quantitative data on Degree Programmes;
  • Student Opinion Outcomes;
  • Students' perception of support services;
  • Latest Annual Report of the Evaluation Committee;
  • Any other information the Joint Committee may possess.

  • The AVA Presidium (Autovalutation-Valutation-Accreditation Presidium- PAVA) sends to the Joint Bard President and Vice-President the documents of the reviews of the Degree Courses, the guideline and the template for the preparation of the current year's report.
  • The President shall make available to the Committee Members all the documents sent by PAVA, which in turn, shall make available to the Committee Members all the quantitative data.
  • The Commission meets, examines the documents and distributes within it the analysis of the  Degree Programmes reviews and the related data.
  • The Committee Members draw up a form for each Degree Programme, with the help of assistants ( elected sutents in the student representative) who are guaranteed access to the data.
  • The President collects all the cards into a single report together with the general report on the School and sends the unified report to the members for review and approval.
  • Finally, the President sends the final report to the School's Dean and to PAVA.

Professors are appointed by the School Dean on the School Council proposal. The student component is made up of student representatives elected by the School Council according to the procedures established by the General Regulations of the University.


The professors remain in office for 3 years and the appointment is renewable for two consecutive terms. For students, the term is 2 years and can be renewed once.


Essi sono un canale di collegamento essenziale tra gli studenti dei Corsi di Studio (CdS), la CPDS stessa e la Giunta di Scuola. Contribuiscono attivamente alla preparazione delle relazioni annuali e alla formulazione dei commenti e delle indicazioni destinate ai CdS.

In vista della redazione della relazione annuale, se nella Commissione Paritetica non sono presenti rappresentanti di tutti i Corsi di Studio, la Commissione può delegare parte dei suoi compiti a sottocommissioni aggregate, rappresentative dei singoli Corsi di Studio. In questo caso, sono coinvolti studenti del Corso di Studi; i nomi dei partecipanti alle sottocommissioni sono inseriti nella relazione come membri aggregati (coadiuvatori).

Ex Art. 27 of Statuto del Politecnico di Milano, the Joint Board:


  1. It monitors the educational offer of the Programme Board (CdS)that belong to the 3i School, the teaching quality and the student services;
  2. Identify indicators for the evaluation of the results referred to in point a);
  3. It expresses opinions on the establishment and suppression Programme Board, drawing up suggestions for their improvement;
  4. It draws up a periodic report on the teaching activity and on the set of educational services provided to students, which is sent to the School Council and to the Evaluation Committee. 

The Joint Board activities are governed by the Regolamento generale di Ateneo.


Yes. you can follow this link: and click on “Indicatori corsi di studio”. You will find a indicator reports of the Politecnico Programme Boards updated to the last Academic Year. You will find informations about the enrollment, access grade, graduates, professional experience, students and graduates opinions, internationalization.